
Awatif AlHashimi an Emirati who's a passerby in this life to gain knowledge and pass it on to other travelers around her. Follow her frequent lectures and seminars on this blog. We hope to feed your mind with the righteous shari'ah knowledge it needs.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Saturday: It's the Prophecy

Please Note It's the Prophecy this Saturday 18/5 will be at Al Mulla Plaza; Entrance 3, Second Floor.  Ladies Only....

Why Prophet pbuh Chose Abyssinia for his Companions

Why did the Prophet pbuh Choose Abyssinia for his Companion's Migration?

Join us this Saturday 18/May/2013 at AlMulla Plaza, Entrance three, 2nd floor

What Precautions Prophet pbuh took to migrate to AtTaaif

Join us this Wednesday May 13, at Dubai Woman's Association,  to Here the story and benefits of Prophet pbuh migration to AtTaaif